The bitter ending
Published on April 6, 2005 By Lily Maddox In Misc
So yesterday I wrote about my so called friend Kelli, in "Catholic Dunce". Now I have new information which not only shocked me but hurt my feelings. Not only did Kelli get drunk the night before last and make a fool of herself she had sex with another random guy. Thats right folks... another one. She has not been as "holy" as she would have everyone believe and what makes things worse is.. I found out through a friend of mine whom she confided in. Kelli specifically asked her not to say anything to me about it, knowing no doubt that I would call her out. How rude of her to disrepect herself and the church like that. It literally makes me sick, and if she cant trust that I would still be her friend after telling me news like that then I guess I shouldnt be her friend in the first place. I mean come on... she cant have it both ways... she cant be a catholic and a slut and she cant be my good friend and hide things from me that ordinarally I would know out of my status. So from here on out she is no longer a friend of mine. I am sick of being lied to and I am sick of being played for a fool. I even gave her the chance to tell me! I called her and I asked her how things went and she said fine, not only did she lie but then she tried to talk smack about LALI! Tell me how kniving that is! Obviously she has something wrong with her.
on Apr 06, 2005
Ha I have to laugh at the thought. I know lots of Catholics who, instead of lifting weights to get into shape, they instead get a workout from carrying all their religious bullshit around. It's a heavy pack sometimes. Personally, though, I think people can do what they want when it comes to this. It only reinforces my own superior morals. And I'm not being arrogant at all. Just that I don't have any axe to grind and no sacred cow to appease. In other words, if there weren't any two-faced Catholic sluts around, I wouldn't be reminded so often that I'm a better Catholic than they are. We need bad to see ourselves as good don't we?
on Apr 06, 2005
Very True, but it angers me that she care nothing about the church and disrespects it so badly, she even goes as far as saying " us catholics can do whatever we want because we have confession and we are forgiven" It makes me sick. I am sure our elders didnt pur confession there so we could be reasured that whatever we do is forgiven.. so do whatever we want.