From Frog to Prince and back to Frog again
I had the most wonderful boyfriend in the world, who I worked very hard at getting. We met back in the ninth grade and played cat and mouse for a period of time before finally getting together in the 12th grade and we have been together ever since. He is charming, romantic, tough, thoughtful, and increadibly sexy. We have plans to get married and have children in the next 4 years! Then something happend that made me step back and take a look at what lay behind the mask of beauty. Last night we were talking about children and I mentioned how I was worried about gaining to much weight and not being able to get it off again. I looked at him and asked him if he would still love me if I was a pudgy mother instead of the thin beauty I am now... and he said "no". HOW COULD HE LOVE ME IN THE FIRST PLACE. He then justified himself by saying " I'm not going to lie to you". Well thanks for that.
Something inside me just snapped... after everything we have been through he wouldnt love me if I had a few extra pounds after having a baby. What the hell?!?! I know I am not going to be pretty all of my life and I thought that I had found someone who didnt mind that and loved me for who I was.. a funny, charosmatic girl who aims to please. But no.. all he cares about is having someone who isnt going to be fat. Well I cant help what pregnancy will do to me Collin and if you dont want all of me forever then FINE! I dont need you!!!!!! You are a stinking pile of rotten eggs!! I thought I knew you... I thought I had a real gem.. SOMEONE I COULD TRUST!!!!
I thought wrong.