When I was around 3 years old, my Mother noticed something very extraordinary about me. When she would put me in the tub, I would sing while I played, of coarse there is nothing extraordinary about that, but the amazing thing to her was that I was able to memorize songs perfectly, hitting every note like a homerun. Though my Mother wasnt the postergirl for having braggable children.. I remember vaugly her telling her friends how lovely my voice was... and then they would all demand to hear it. I liked being put on a pedistool for every one to see me and admire me. As I got older I begged my mother to take me to audicians for musicals or anything that needed my voice. Each time she would explain to me that, Although she thought I had the voice of an angel, she unfortunatly didnt have time to take me around to these audicians. At first I was sad, but by the time I was 8 I looked back on my year of 5 and thought that it was silly to want to be anything other than what my parents were. In the long run I am a little happy and a little sad that my mother refused to futher my singing carreer. On one hand, I am so happy now that I see how Hollywood works... I would have no privacy and my name would always be in the papers about some new made scandale I would be in, and on the other hand, I am sad because what if I could have been something GREAT. Someone that stood out from the crowd. I suppose I do that now anyways... what with my terrible sence of style and my insessint need to look like I just rolled out of bed. I have the look that says, " HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME!!!! or... you know... don't. "