I once heard a very true statement that helps me make sense out of things that dont seem right. It was, " The sweet isnt as sweet without the sour" I think that statement can be applied in almost any terrible situation, from the far extreams of death... to something as simple as dissapointment. For instance: If a new mother was to lose the father of her baby... she would appreciate her life and even more so... her baby's life. For a few years now I have been attempting in vain to get a certain person to come see me... each time he promises to come down... and then fails to do so. The most recent of the failed attempts was today, he promised he would come down and spend some time with me before Thanksgiving, but then coincidentally his car broke down and he wasnt able to make it down. I had previously explained to him that if he didnt come down this time then I was going to sies talking to him, but instead of being blind with rage when I called him to see where he was, I was dissapointed. I hope that one day this person who claimes to love me so much will find it in his heart to come down and see the places and the people who make me such a loveable person, as for the dissapointment that fills me up EVERY time I am lied to by him... well its building me up to when he finally does come down... I will really truely appreciate it.